Department for Experimental Medicine

Department for Experimental Medicine


The Department for Experimental Medicine (DEM) is engaged in investigational and educational aspects of experimental medicine, above all in surgical disciplines and basic medicine.

The DEM represents invaluable support in scientific work in basic research, technological development projects, and interdisciplinary projects performed at the Faculty, preparation of doctoral theses, and research within cooperation with other research institutions in the country and abroad. The research activity taking place in the DEM is methodologically, organizationally and via research objectives closely linked to and integrated with other departments and laboratories of the SRCB, especially with Vivarium, Lab of Experimental Pathology and Immunology, and Dept. of Cell and Tissue Engineering.

The resources of the DEM are also used for educational purposes in undergraduate, master, integrated, doctoral and specialist studies of the Faculty and other faculties of the University of Niš, and within continued education programs of the Faculty. A significant aspect of the DEM work is the introduction of new methods and procedures, especially surgical ones, for both investigational and clinical purposes.

Responsible person

Full Professor Stevo Najman (;



Facilities and equipment

The DEM fulfills all the spatial and technical requirements for even the most complex interventions in experimental surgery, all the way up to the level of organ transplantation.

  • fully equipped operation theater
  • anesthesia apparatus
  • operation table
  • operation lamp
  • electrocauter
  • vacuum aspirator
  • surgical microscope
  • sterilization unit (dry sterilization and autoclav)
  • basic surgical instrument sets
  • dentistry working unit
  • spatial and organizational link with Vivarium for experimental animals


The DEM engages the staff of the SRCB, teachers, associates and researchers of the Faculty, and doctors and associates from the teaching bases of the Faculty:

  • Dr vet. Zoran Cvetkovic, specialist in surgery
  • Professional nurse specialist Vesna Krstic, expert associate
  • doctors and dentists specialists and specialist-candidates engaged in experimental surgery and dentistry (general surgery, orthopedics, digestive surgery, plastic and reconstructive surgery, transplantation surgery, vascular surgery, maxillofacial and oral surgery, microsurgery, neurosurgery, urology, ORL, ophthalmology, gynecology…)