Medical diagnosis

Medical diagnosis

Medical diagnosis is a set of methods and analyses in the fields of biochemistry, physiology, microbiology, nuclear medicine and other diagnostic disciplines of medicine. The Laboratory for Medical Diagnosis is the youngest lab of the SRCB, and performs the following: biochemical tests of blood and urine, hematological blood tests, urine sediment, microbiological analyses, measurement of vitamins, hormones, and drugs in the blood, and other diagnostic methods. The reason for the establishment of the Lab should be sought in the need for such a diagnostic lab for the Faculty and University employees. The Lab is capable of adopting and developing new, non-standard diagnostic methods.

Facilities and equipment

The Faculty fulfills all the necessary spatial and technical requirements for the performance of research and diagnostic methods in all branches of medicine.

The Laboratory has got some standard and specialized equipment for routine and non-standard diagnostic modalities. Some of the specific items of equipment are biochemical analyzer, ELISA reader, liquid chromatograph.

Human resources potential

Teachers and associates of the academic courses Biochemistry, Physiology, Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, Microbiology, Pathology, Pharmacy, Physics, Biology with Human Genetics, Chemistry, etc.